Chico residents today joined a coalition of organizations protesting state energy policies that contribute to a carbon footprint fueling climate change.

Organizers of the #WeAreOutOfTime protest said California should immediately end the approval process for new fossil fuel projects and “drop existing fossil fuel production through a managed decline..”
“All over Chico and Butte County, we have seen, we have smelt, we have touched, we have tasted and we have felt the worst effects of the climate crisis,” said Chico’s Steven Marquardt, addressing the protest group.
“I do not want to be here. I’m tired and I’m angry and I’m scared. We’re demanding that you stop talking and start doing something,” Marquardt said, directing his comments to Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Way to go Steven, Jared and Mary Kay! Thank you for representing Chico. I appreciate your efforts to get “Gov. Gav” to confront the greedy fossil fuel industry.