Protests and informational sessions support immigrant communities Chico State's faculty union says it's developing a training session

photo by Julian Mendoza
Kassandra Ramondo (left) and Lizette Pilar

by Julian Mendoza
posted Feb. 12

Hundreds of people gathered on Chico State’s campus Feb. 5 for a peaceful march in what was one of several recent local protests advocating for immigrant rights.

“I think it’s super important that people understand and know that immigrants do make the backbone of our country,” said Lizette Pilar, program coordinator at Chico State’s Gender & Sexuality Equity Coalition. “Especially in agriculture, a lot of our pickers are illegal immigrants or undocumented.” read more

President’s executive orders endanger LGBTQ people Advocates sound alarm as Trump targets transgender community

photo by Leslie Layton
A Stonewall Alliance Chico flier circulates during this Black History Month seeking support for queer and trans people of color.

by Natalie Hanson
posted Feb. 9

LGBTQ advocates from Chico and beyond say that the Trump Administration’s jump to “criminalize and erase” transgender people will worsen an ongoing rise of hate and violence toward a marginalized community.

Stonewall Alliance Chico, a nonprofit that has served LGBTQ people for decades, told ChicoSol in a statement that Trump’s anti-trans campaign — recognizing only “biological men and women” — is the latest in an “ongoing wave” of policies attempting to erase the transgender and gender non-conforming community. read more

Viewing the world with empathy A first-hand experience with Point-in-Time

photo by Yucheng Tang
Elvert Richardson checks for homeless people or encampments under a bridge near the Chico State campus.

by Yucheng Tang
posted Feb. 4

It was not a normal stroll.

“We need to check the lower part of the slope next to the creek. The homeless always set up their camps there,” Elvert Richardson said to me on a recent sunny Wednesday morning, while we were walking along Big Chico Creek on the north side of Chico State campus.

I was one of the 280 registered volunteers for the Point-in-Time count in Butte County on Jan. 29, there to learn about homelessness as a reporter. Every team, usually consisting of three to four people, was sent out by the Butte County Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC), a local planning body, to count unsheltered people and conduct the survey in an assigned area. read more

People’s March on Chico prepares to fight for change Voting is important on everything from "dog-catcher to president"

by Yucheng Tang
posted Jan. 18

Hundreds of people joined the People’s March on Chico today, marching from City Plaza to the Women’s Club as many passing drivers honked in support, prompting cheers and screams from the protesters.

Lead coordinator of the People’s March Chico coalition and Women’s March Chico, Angela Silva, said the coalition formed in “response to Trump’s second election. We have welcomed in so many groups.” Silva said more than 500 people participated in the march and rally. read more

Fear Paralyzes Tiny Town in California’s Tulare County After Border Patrol raids, town of Poplar comes to a standstill

photo by Manuel Ortiz
Mari Pérez Ruíz of Community Valley Empowerment Alliance discusses the recent raids with a community of indigenous farmworkers in Tulare County.

by Peter Schurmann, EMS
posted Jan. 18

POPLAR, Ca. -– In the early 1970s, this unincorporated town in California’s agricultural heartland was designated by county officials as having “no authentic future.” That designation—entailing dramatic cuts to basic services remained until as recently as 2023.

Now, following a series of raids on immigrants that began on Jan. 7 in neighboring Kern County, residents here say the future does indeed look bleak. read more

Conservatives win 4-person majority on City Council Mayor to be selected Dec. 4

photo by Karen Laslo
Councilmember Dale Bennett was re-elected.

by Yucheng Tang

Incumbent Dale Bennett has retained the District 3 seat, defeating challenger Monica McDaniel by only 93 votes in the closest race in the 2024 Chico City Council election.

The majority of the City Council remains conservative, but the number of progressive councilmembers has increased from one to three. A special meeting of the City Council will be held at 6 p.m. Dec. 4 in the Council Chamber at 421 Main St. Newly-elected councilmembers will be sworn in and the mayor and vice mayor selected. read more