Memorial Day: Losses both human and non-human "... all life is radically interdependent"

photo by Karen Laslo
Chico Cemetery on Memorial Day 2023.

by Karen Laslo
commentary posted May 31

Some humans, like some of those on our Chico City Council, (except Addison), still cannot comprehend that even the most seemingly insignificant plant or animal, such as the Fairy Shrimp found in local vernal pools, or the Burrowing Owl found in Chico’s foothills, have the right to exist, not just those we eat, hunt, or use for our benefit.

Species lose this right to life when deprived of essential habitat, most commonly through the effects of climate change, construction and land development, such as the proposed foothill sprawl development Valley’s Edge. read more

Region’s lawmakers promote new anti-trans laws LaMalfa, Gallagher join fervent nationwide crackdown on civil rights of trans people

photo courtesy of EMS
Nadine Smith: ‘They were an easy target.’

by Natalie Hanson
posted May 17

Across the United States, fervor for passing anti-trans laws has reached an all-time high within the political right -– affecting even counties in politically “blue” states, such as Butte.

In some states, health care providers already face felony charges for offering gender-affirming care. Advocates for the trans community say such care is integral for a successful transition.

More bills targeting transgender rights have been introduced and become law this year than at any time in U.S. history. There have been 543 anti-trans bills proposed nationwide in 2023 alone, according to the website Trans Legislation Tracker. Of these, 71 have passed. read more

Chico’s police chief and de-escalation Aldridge defends use of weapons obtained from military

by George Gold
guest commentary posted May 2

The Chico City Council approved the police department budget and use of military weapons earlier in April 2023, weapons that were obtained under the U.S. Department of Defense 1033 program.

Recent California statutes require the police department hold at least one community engagement meeting to discuss the purchase and deployment of these military-style weapons.

During the only “meet the community” on April 27, which was called to review the Chico Police Department’s use of military obtained weapons in Chico, Police Chief Billy Aldridge repeatedly called the use of these weapons a way to de-escalate a given situation. read more