John Nishio works to prevent history from repeating Changemaker: Former Chico State University Prof Nishio organizes pilgrimmage

photo by Yucheng Tang
John Nishio

by Yucheng Tang
posted March 1

Editor: This is the second story in our monthly Changemaker series. We’re on the lookout for interesting people — particularly people who have flown under the radar — doing positive work in the community.

Former Chico State professor John Nishio has ample reason to organize a pilgrimage honoring Japanese American prisoners of war.

His father and grandparents were among those held captive during World War II, and as a biologist, he believes he’s found a link between his field of science and his family history. read more

Chico PD leaves unresolved questions Chasing truth in turbulent times

photo courtesy of Colleen Evans
Evans was injured in the fall.

by Leslie Layton
posted March 1

When Colleen Evans stopped by the Feb. 17 “Not my Presidents Day” protest at City Plaza, she hoped to voice her opposition to the Trump Administration and find camaraderie with like-minded people.

Instead, the Chico woman, who was wearing a knee brace to protect a broken kneecap, ended up at the Enloe Medical Center emergency room with new injuries. She arrived at Enloe bloodied, sore and dazed after a disastrous fall off the sidewalk on the east side of the plaza. read more