posted Dec. 17
A “No on Butte County Gerrymandering” campaign launched today to circulate a petition for a referendum on the redistricting map adopted in a Dec. 14 split vote by the Butte County Board of Supervisors.

Speakers at today’s press conference said the map that was adopted was gerrymandered to disenfranchise urban voters in Chico by splitting the city into four districts. The map, which establishes two western agricultural districts, was approved by supervisors Bill Connelly, Tod Kimmelshue and Doug Teeter.
The trio that approved the map said they wanted to protect the voice of rural voters and give Paradise growth room. Lucero told ChicoSol that it splits up the Latino population and “packs” voters with a Democratic Party affiliation into one district — District 3.
Hundreds of comments were submitted in favor of keeping Chico divided into only three districts and not diluting the urban vote; the Enterprise-Record reported there have been more than 2,000 public comments submitted during the process.
How can I sign the referendum?
Go to the “No On Butte County Gerrymandering ” office above Duffy’s Tavern, 330 Main St.,downtown Chico. Use the black door to the left of Duffy’s, go upstairs and turn right. They’re open Mon – Thurs this week, 11:30am to 1:30pm. If that doesn’t work contact me. Thank you!