photo essay by Karen Laslo
posted May 25
Every Friday, the North State Shelter Team (NSST) hauls its shower trailer out to the homeless camp on the corner of Eaton and Cohasset roads.

photo by Karen Laslo
Alternate Site residents Robert and Brenda Sallee.
Along with a team of caring volunteers, NSST founder Charles Withuhn attempts to relieve some of the misery of living unhoused by offering hot showers. Withuhn built the shower trailer two years ago. On this Friday (May 24) the team was celebrating the marker of providing some 2,000 showers with cupcakes and coffee for the residents.
Withuhn calculated that each shower costs the organization $25.
The design and construction of the North State Shelter Team’s Solar Charged Shower Trailer was accomplished by a team of about 20 volunteers and ten businesses that contributed materials and expertise to the project. It is the first solar charged shower trailer that we have heard of. So, you can imagine the design took us on a bit of an evolutionary process. The story is the winner of the My Hero International Film Festival’s 2022 Humanitarian Award. See the film on YouTube. Put “Shower Trailer for homeless built on a budget of Love” in the search bar. Donate to our GoFundMe campaign on our FB page.
Wonderful work! Thank you North State Shelter Team for your contributions to ease the life of our less fortunate citizens.
Thank You, your encouragement is important to us.
Thanks so very very much for everything you do, Charles and helpers, to make staying cleaner and more comfortable possible for those that need it in our community. you are an inspiration!!!