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We depend on donations — both one-time and monthly — from readers like you. ChicoSol is community-run, not-for-profit, and free of corporate advertising and paywalls. We accept tax-deductible donations to our North Valley Community Foundation fund. Why donate now?

  • Your donation today will help us make the leap to becoming a 501(c)(3) independent nonprofit.
  • Your donation ensures the future of the area’s only outlet specializing in investigative reporting.
  • ChicoSol is local and driven by the need for in-depth journalism that nourishes citizen participation. We publish in Spanish when possible and serve the information needs of minority communities.

online: Make a donation of any size today!

by check: Write check to ChicoSol c/o NVCF and mail it to NVCF at The Foundation Building, 1811 Concord Ave., Ste. 22, Chico, CA 95928.

Donors receive email alerts listing new postings as well as a brief note from the editor for a six-month period after making their contribution — unless they ask to be removed from that list.

Even if you are unable to donate at this time, write us at and ask to be made a “subscriber” if you would like a monthly email listing new posts.

With much gratitude, we thank those who have made generous contributions to this 17-year-old project.