Plaintiffs respond to City as it tries to extricate itself from Warren Councilmember Winslow calls for more transparency

photo by Manuel Ortiz, EMS
A resident of the Alternate Site, which the City was required to set up under the Settlement Agreement.

by Leslie Layton
posted Aug. 7

The legal aid agency representing plaintiffs in the Warren v. Chico lawsuit has indicated it will re-negotiate the Settlement Agreement that dictates how the City must approach homelessness.

But Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC) does not seem ready to give up one requirement: That the City show there are shelter beds available prior to evicting the unhoused from public spaces. read more

North State Shelter Team hits landmark 2000th shower At City's Alternate Site for the homeless, volunteers provide relief

photo by Karen Laslo
Alternate Site residents Robert and Brenda Sallee.

photo essay by Karen Laslo
posted May 25

Every Friday, the North State Shelter Team (NSST) hauls its shower trailer out to the homeless camp on the corner of Eaton and Cohasset roads.

Along with a team of caring volunteers, NSST founder Charles Withuhn attempts to relieve some of the misery of living unhoused by offering hot showers. Withuhn built the shower trailer two years ago. On this Friday (May 24) the team was celebrating the marker of providing some 2,000 showers with cupcakes and coffee for the residents. read more

Unhoused people say they’re targeted, misunderstood A BB gun shooting interrupts an autumn morning

Sidebar to part II in ChicoSol series on homelessness in 2023.

On a Friday morning in September, North State Shelter Team (NSST) volunteers keep the mobile shower unit running during their weekly visit to the alternate site campground. Hope Commons Church has brought coffee and rolls for unhoused campers. Suddenly, a ping ping ping interrupts quiet conversations. read more