Kathay Feng, Common Cause national redistricting director, has championed independent redistricting efforts across the country. Those efforts began with two initiatives California voters passed prior to the 2010 Census, leading to the formation of the state’s Citizens Redistricting Commission, which is now seeking new members.
by Mark Hedin
Ethnic Media Services
California is looking for new commissioners to draw its redistricting maps — the maps that define who votes for California’s representatives in Congress, its state Senate, Assembly and Board of Equalization members. The deadline is coming up fast to apply for the job, which pays up to $300 per day.
The initial application form takes five minutes to fill out. It’s due by Aug. 9 for the first round of the application process. Find it here.
(The California State Auditor’s office reported today that more than 5,500 Californians have already submitted applications and only .68 percent are from Butte County.)