Chico State students protest plans to include ICE at job fair Homeland Security Investigations has job and volunteer openings

photo by Yucheng Tang
Students protested at Chico State today.

by Yucheng Tang
posted Feb. 24

A group of protesters circled the Chico State campus today, then gathered on the lawn near the Bell Memorial Union to protest the participation of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) at a job fair that will be held Feb. 26.

“No ICE on campus!” chanted marching protesters. “We do not need people who are choosing to dehumanize our fellow humans, our friends and our family and the members of our community on our campus, threatening their safety,” said an organizer, Anna Krause. read more

Protesting our military extravagance Looking ahead to "flooding, melting polar ice, human migration"

photo by George Gold
September protest at Beale Air Force Base.

by George Gold
guest commentary posted Oct. 26

In September, about a dozen members of the Chico Peace Alliance traveled to the front gate of Beale Air Force Base to deliver a message to pilots and support workers.

We wanted to share our view — not often noted by the defense establishment — about the hazards that are caused by the U.S. military industrial complex. Our view was that peace is more important than war, and that the U.S. defense infrastructure causes a huge negative environmental impact right there in Marysville and around the world. read more

Chicoans protest Supreme Court opinion on abortion Nationwide, protesters vent anger at draft opinion overturning abortion rights

photo by Karen Laslo

Almost 300 people joined a May 3 rally at City Plaza, protesting the leaked draft Supreme Court opinion that indicates that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

The draft opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito is “full of right-wing talking points and such poor history that historians have spent the day explaining the actual history of abortion in the United States,” writes historian Heather Cox Richardson here. The rally was organized quickly by Women’s March Chico.

Teens lead Chico immigration policy protest High schoolers worry that "history will repeat itself"

photo by Leslie Layton
Students from PATCH (Politically Active Teens of Chico High) staffed a voter registration booth.

by Leslie Layton

In matching teal-colored T-shirts, a group of Chico teens Saturday led some 100 people on a downtown march to protest immigration policy and conditions for refugees at the border.

The teens, all of whom are students at Chico High and Inspire School of Arts & Sciences, said they chose teal to reflect the color in the Statute of Liberty torch-holder for a protest designed to recall the conditions that led to the Holocaust.

The protest was titled “March for Freedom: Never Again is Now,” and opened with student and parent speakers at City Plaza downtown. read more

‘Mobilize Chico’ opposes racism, supports community members Trump presidency propels activism

photo by Dave Waddell

photo by Dave Waddell

Mobilize Chico demonstration

by Dave Waddell

Chris Nichols, a retired school teacher and counselor, had never gone in much for activism. That all changed with the election of President Donald Trump.

“All of a sudden, I’m upset,” she said.

On Jan. 25, Nichols was standing with seven others from the group Mobilize Chico at the intersection of Warner and West Sacramento avenues holding a pink sign with the message: “Stay Loud 4 Equality.”

The group’s demonstration was called “Signs for Solidarity.” Its purpose was to show support for community members who have been victimized by racist actions in Chico. read more