June 24, 2022: Roe v. Wade overturned What Does One Generation Owe Another?

by Ellen Walker
guest commentary

On this dark day for women’s rights to reproductive health, choice, and privacy, I cry for American women of reproductive age, but I also weep more private tears for my mother, Lena Levine, who joined Margaret Sanger as a young medical intern and worked with her in the early days of what would become The Planned Parenthood Federation of America. read more

Chicoans protest Supreme Court opinion on abortion Nationwide, protesters vent anger at draft opinion overturning abortion rights

photo by Karen Laslo

Almost 300 people joined a May 3 rally at City Plaza, protesting the leaked draft Supreme Court opinion that indicates that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

The draft opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito is “full of right-wing talking points and such poor history that historians have spent the day explaining the actual history of abortion in the United States,” writes historian Heather Cox Richardson here. The rally was organized quickly by Women’s March Chico. read more