June 24, 2022: Roe v. Wade overturned What Does One Generation Owe Another?

photo courtesy of Ellen Walker
Margaret Sanger with Lena Levine, founders of what would become Planned Parenthood.

by Ellen Walker
guest commentary

On this dark day for women’s rights to reproductive health, choice, and privacy, I cry for American women of reproductive age, but I also weep more private tears for my mother, Lena Levine, who joined Margaret Sanger as a young medical intern and worked with her in the early days of what would become The Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

She devoted most of her life to giving women control over their bodies, from decriminalizing contraception to educating women about their sexual and reproductive rights. My tears for her are guilty ones: I, and my generation, were unable to hold fast to those principles of equality and justice for women which her generation fought so hard to establish and secure. read more

A plea for real gun control The question is whether leaders "have the guts to act"

photo by Karen Laslo
At the July 2 Chico Certified Farmers’ Market, someone hung T-shirts and printed on each shirt the name of a child killed in the May 24 school massacre in Uvalde, Tex.

by George Gold
guest commentary posted June 14

There’s an epidemic in America that came, not from a laboratory test tube and not from some animal-to-human transmission, but that was created here, by us.

Guns are everywhere and they’re being used to kill people. They’re killing us in schools, supermarkets, even cemeteries. So is this the best we can do? The level of anger that seemingly is coming from so many parts of our society is frightening. But we have to start somewhere.

In an era of disinformation, any lie can find traction in the circles of the very people who are already angry about the unfairness of life. They then take their frustrations out on the rest of us with their guns. Life isn’t fair, but perhaps we can work to make it … umm … more fair. read more

Stakes high in costly Butte supervisor race Campaign contributions reflect statewide law enforcement effort, water worries

The Butte Forward Opposing Debra Lucero political action committee emerged two months ago.

by Leslie Layton & Natalie Hanson
posted May 29, 2022

At a time when Butte County faces pressing problems -– from homelessness to drought -– a record amount of money is pouring into the race for the District 2 seat on the Board of Supervisors.

In the final weeks leading up to the June 7 primary election, last-minute contributions flowed into the race and a new political action committee (PAC) emerged, Butte Forward, that formed at the end of March to oust incumbent Debra Lucero.

Lucero faces two challengers, Chico police Sgt. Peter Durfee and environmental health and safety manager Carl Jeffries, as well as opposition from Butte Forward that had collected $40,840 by the end of the May reporting period. Contributions to the PAC, which calls itself “Butte Forward PAC, Opposing Debra Lucero for Supervisor 2022” on its Facebook page, came from many of the same families that founded or supported formation of the Tuscan Water District. read more

Parents and professors: Reinstate vice principal, commit to equity Chico Unified grapples with equity issues in wake of Rosedale suspension

photo by Karen Laslo
Protesters outside a May 18 CUSD Board of Trustees meeting.

by Natalie Hanson
posted May 22

Following the suspension of a Rosedale Elementary assistant vice principal, families around Chico are calling on Chico Unified School District (CUSD) and the school board to not only reverse the decision, but to also take action on equity.

Joana Campos Castañeda, known as Joana Campos at Rosedale, was placed on leave last month and alleged she was told that her methods as an assigned equity lead were not appropriate for the school.

Since the decision, many parents and some Chico State educators have stepped forward to rally on Castañeda’s behalf and petition district leaders to commit to furthuring equity. A Chico State attorney has filed a complaint against the district on behalf of his Rosedale child, arguing that CUSD lacks “clearly defined procedures with respect to equity programs.” read more

Chicoans protest Supreme Court opinion on abortion Nationwide, protesters vent anger at draft opinion overturning abortion rights

photo by Karen Laslo

Almost 300 people joined a May 3 rally at City Plaza, protesting the leaked draft Supreme Court opinion that indicates that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

The draft opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito is “full of right-wing talking points and such poor history that historians have spent the day explaining the actual history of abortion in the United States,” writes historian Heather Cox Richardson here. The rally was organized quickly by Women’s March Chico.

La subdirectora y líder de equidad de Rosedale Elementary informa que la han suspendido Inquietud entre los padres de familia

foto por Leslie Layton
Subdirectora de la escuela Rosedale, Joana Campos Castañeda era tambien la líder de equidad.

por Natalie Hanson
publicado 2 de Mayo

Read this story in Enlish here.

Los padres de familia de Rosedale Elementary reclaman la necesidad de hacer un cambio después de que la subdirectora, quien también era la líder oficial de equidad/justicia, reportó que la han obligado a tomar una licencia administrativa.

Joana Campos Castañeda, la subdirectora, y este año también líder de equidad, declaró que la suspendieron de sus responsabilidades por “insubordinación” después de que ella expresó su dudas y preocupaciones sobre el enfoque de la escuela para lograr la inclusión. Aunque se la conoce como Ms. Campos, la administradora ahora usa Castañeda como su apellido. read more