Noted journalist speaks on mental illness Pete Earley chronicles son’s ordeal, offers tips

By Dave Waddell

Desperate to get help for his mentally ill son, journalist Pete Earley told Chicoans Saturday he did things he never thought he’d do.

Earley said he lied about what his son had said, violated his own professional ethics by threatening to summon feared investigative reporter Mike Wallace of “60 Minutes” TV fame, and “literally went out and grabbed a doctor” from a crowded emergency room hallway to evaluate his delusional son. read more

“Soul of Chico” will support investigative journalism ChicoSol's first annual nonprofit news benefit this evening

ChicoSol will hold its first annual nonprofit news benefit from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Friday, May 4 at the Chico Peace & Justice Center, and all proceeds will support investigative reporting and student mentorship. Buying tickets in advance here will help us control costs and funnel earnings to our journalism — which, of course, is the point.

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Scores of stolen guns found in Chico annually Most are pistols, but AR-15-style rifles are also recovered

ChicoSol and Tehama Group Communications infographic

by Gabriel Sandoval and Dave Waddell

Against a backdrop of rising gun thefts nationally, a stolen gun is recovered by authorities in Chico an average of once every eight days. And while nearly three-fourths of all stolen guns in the city are pistols, multiple stolen assault rifles are recovered each year.

That’s based on data from an 18-month investigation by The Trace, a nonprofit news organization, and more than a dozen NBC-owned television stations, which collected information on stolen guns from hundreds of law enforcement agencies and collaborated on a series of reports last year. read more

Council candidate spends rainy weekend on street Scott Huber learns about homelessness through experience

video feature by Guillermo Mash

Chico City Council candidate Scott Huber shares his experience of being without a roof the weekend of April 6-8 in this video. Huber touches on a handful of topics, including rain gear, a one-night stay at the Torres Shelter, stereotypes and surprises in this ChicoSol segment recorded prior to Chico Friends on the Street’s Sunday meal and survival-gear giveaway at Chico City Plaza. read more

Gun laws vigorously discussed at forum NeverAgain Chico students question leaders

photo by Dave Waddell

by Dave Waddell

There were two Republicans on the El Rey Theater stage for Saturday’s Chico forum on school gun violence — and only one was made of cardboard.

At center-stage throughout the program was a life-size cutout of a microphone-holding Rep. Doug LaMalfa, so real-looking that many in the audience at first thought the Richvale Republican was in attendance. Students organizing the event say LaMalfa was invited. read more

Chico observes killing of MLK 50 years ago March, songs, passionate words mark anniversary

photo by Dave Waddell

Frances Mann led the singing

by Dave Waddell

There were, appropriately, many passionate words Wednesday around peace and justice at Chico’s 50th anniversary observance of the killing of Martin Luther King Jr. – the soulful singing of Frances Mann quite notably among them.

A Mann-led rendition of Joan Baez’s “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around” started off a march of about 50 people, who sang their way from the Dorothy Johnson Center on 16th Street several blocks to the statue of MLK at Community Park on 20th Street. There, a ceremony sponsored by the Chico Peace & Justice Center was led by Emily Alma. read more