Splash students study vernal pools Outdoor science classroom incorporates writing and art

“My real calling is I’m a pollinator. I kind of look at this world of people and nature as this thing that we need to better connect with. …it’s just that we sometimes fail to recognize that the connection is real and that it’s important to us as human beings” — Eva Butler, Splash founder.
(video by Guillermo Mash for AquAlliance.)

Noted journalist speaks on mental illness Pete Earley chronicles son’s ordeal, offers tips

photo by Dave Waddell

Pete Earley

By Dave Waddell

Desperate to get help for his mentally ill son, journalist Pete Earley told Chicoans Saturday he did things he never thought he’d do.

Earley said he lied about what his son had said, violated his own professional ethics by threatening to summon feared investigative reporter Mike Wallace of “60 Minutes” TV fame, and “literally went out and grabbed a doctor” from a crowded emergency room hallway to evaluate his delusional son.

Eventually, Earley’s wife advised him that he couldn’t help his son, Kevin, as a parent, but that he could as a journalist. “For once, I listened to her,” Earley said. read more

Gun laws vigorously discussed at forum NeverAgain Chico students question leaders

photo by Dave Waddell

by Dave Waddell

There were two Republicans on the El Rey Theater stage for Saturday’s Chico forum on school gun violence — and only one was made of cardboard.

At center-stage throughout the program was a life-size cutout of a microphone-holding Rep. Doug LaMalfa, so real-looking that many in the audience at first thought the Richvale Republican was in attendance. Students organizing the event say LaMalfa was invited.

The one breathing Republican on stage for the Town Hall for Our Lives was congressional candidate Gregory Cheadle. He gained national notoriety when, in June 2016, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump pointed him out at a campaign rally crowd in Redding and said: “Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest?” read more

ChicoSol intern hired by investigative newsroom Sandoval gets award for reporting on CSU, Chico deal

photo by Dave Waddell

Bob Butler and Gabriel Sandoval at awards banquet

by Dave Waddell

Former ChicoSol intern Gabriel Sandoval, recently honored by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) for his investigative reporting, has been hired by ProPublica as he prepares to enter graduate school in New York City.

Sandoval, who received a bachelor’s degree in journalism in December from Chico State, will do reporting for ProPublica, which describes itself as a nonprofit news operation producing investigative journalism in the public interest. ProPublica won the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for public service. read more

Teenagers fire up thousands in City Plaza March for Our Lives speakers demand school safety

photo by Karen Laslo

At City Plaza

by Dave Waddell

Chico teenagers spoke out passionately Saturday against school gun violence to a crowd of thousands at City Plaza, leaving some of their older listeners not only admiring their steely resolve but in tears at their stirring words.

“Do you know how it feels to hear the ‘all clear’ in a Code Red and say ‘Thank god I’m alive’ when across the country parents are crying ‘God, why? God, why did my baby have to die, their lives stretching out before them, withering in opportunity and promise?” asked Bailey Christiansen, a 15-year-old Chico High School sophomore. read more

Hundreds of #Enough students pour into City Plaza Walkouts protest gun violence on school campuses

photo by Dave Waddell

Sharon DeMeyer participated in the march along with her daughter, Zoe Karch, a student walkout leader.

by Dave Waddell

Hundreds of students of assorted ages poured into Chico’s City Plaza this morning, joining in a loud chant that didn’t let up for several minutes: “No More Silence, End Gun Violence.”

The students came from different campuses, ranging from Chico State to junior highs and charter schools, to participate in #Enough National School Walkout. The protest was inspired by the shooting deaths of 17 staff members and students Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. Empower, the youth branch of Women’s March that helped in organizing events nationwide, had counted 3,136 walkouts at the time this story was posted. read more