Protesters chant while job fair is underway; CSUC notches up security ICE representatives participate in CSUC student recruitment

photo by Yucheng Tang
“Fuera ICE” (Out with ICE) reads a protester’s sign at the BMU today.

by Yucheng Tang
posted Feb. 26

About 40 protesters gathered in front of the Bell Memorial Union (BMU) today to protest the presence of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at a Chico State job fair.

Two recruiters from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), a law enforcement agency within ICE, were recruiting at the fair. “No justice, no peace, until ICE leaves,” protesters chanted in the plaza outside the BMU as other students waited in line to check in so that they could attend the fair. read more

Chico State students protest plans to include ICE at job fair Homeland Security Investigations has job and volunteer openings

photo by Yucheng Tang
Students protested at Chico State today.

by Yucheng Tang
posted Feb. 24

A group of protesters circled the Chico State campus today, then gathered on the lawn near the Bell Memorial Union to protest the participation of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) at a job fair that will be held Feb. 26.

“No ICE on campus!” chanted marching protesters. “We do not need people who are choosing to dehumanize our fellow humans, our friends and our family and the members of our community on our campus, threatening their safety,” said an organizer, Anna Krause. read more

Protests and informational sessions support immigrant communities ImmSchools: Public schools can create a safe environment

photo by Julian Mendoza
Kassandra Ramondo (left) and Lizette Pilar

by Julian Mendoza
posted Feb. 12

Hundreds of people gathered on Chico State’s campus Feb. 5 for a peaceful march in what was one of several recent local protests advocating for immigrant rights.

“I think it’s super important that people understand and know that immigrants do make the backbone of our country,” said Lizette Pilar, program coordinator at Chico State’s Gender & Sexuality Equity Coalition. “Especially in agriculture, a lot of our pickers are illegal immigrants or undocumented.” read more