School counselor speaks out on gender identity case Guest commentary: "The hatred has been astounding ..."

Robertson said she often incorporates art in her work with children as well as as for her own processing and expression.

by Mandi Robertson
posted July 22

My name is Mandi Robertson, and I am the school counselor and wellness center coordinator at Sierra View Elementary School.

I am white, heterosexual, neurotypical, cisgendered, and able-bodied. Though I grew up below the poverty line and experienced several ACEs, I was a first-generation college student and have an advanced degree, a professional license, and financial security. In short, I have privilege tempered by adversity. For the past 20+ years, I have honored my privilege by serving others. I have worked with thousands of children and hundreds of families as a counselor, psychotherapist, and consultant in schools and community-based nonprofits. I am an accomplished, innovative, and well-respected leader, advocate, and mentor in my field and, until January, had received only positive recognition for my work. read more