The checkered history of police Sgt. Mark Bass Latest lawsuit filed against City and Chico PD alleges excessive force

In June, Kona Rush of Chico filed a lawsuit alleging excessive force during the arrest of her 17-year-old daughter on suspicion of drunken driving. The suit accuses Chico Police Sgt. Mark Bass of unnecessarily rough treatment of Lilly Rush, whose arm was healing from surgery at the March incident. Bass is now a defendant in two lawsuits. This video, produced by Julian Mendoza and Dave Waddell, tells the story of the sergeant’s checkered history.

8 thoughts on “The checkered history of police Sgt. Mark Bass Latest lawsuit filed against City and Chico PD alleges excessive force

  1. His documented domestic violence against family has gone unpunished. In addition they named his Cop of the year or whatever saying “He’s a class act”!!??? CPD your standards are way to low I hate to see who you consider other top performers are geez!! These lawsuits were not filed out of spite but to prevent further brutality against unarmed citizens. I’m literally scared to be pulled over in Butte County as a non white person there so totally racist here…. Your days coming with all the coverups the DA happily participates in Chico PD.

    1. Amen!! Chico-All corruption it’s astonishing! I had no choice in my case (frauded) allot of money and can’t even get a returned call for a update of investigation. However I’ve learned allot through this nightmare but the most disturbing factor here is I’ve gotten zero help from law enforcement here in Chico. It really makes me wonder “WHAT” IS REALLY GOING ON HERE IN THIS CORRUPTION!!?

  2. Thank you, Dave Waddell, for the detailed report of the dangerous crimes and misdemeanors of Chico PD and the dysfunctional DA, Michael Lee Ramsey..the ancient DA needs to move over and let the county attract a new DA who embraces modern standards and practices… Butte County and Chico taxpayers deserve better.

  3. Thanks for this video reveal exposing the status of police behavior here in Chico. It is impossible to hug a police officer when the only tools given them are weapons and license and the direction and encouragement to hammer down on the weak. In their defense, both locally and nationally, law enforcement officers have been used as tools to advance administrative prejudice, while being fed on fear and paranoia of average public citizens, especially women, those that include different skin colors, accents, the injured, economically stressed and suffering. Coverage like this is a good reminder of the need for much broader approach and attitude toward administration of law enforcement. Our richly diverse community and its institutions are worthy and deserve much better. Thank you though for your video and service.

  4. The police in butte county have a history of abusing people they can get away with it on. Look at the video. If those “men” are too scared of a car of children that they resort to that they should get a new career. In chico pd the pay is so low that you end up with new cops being trained by older cops with issues that prevent them from making more so they end up in chico and it’s cyclical.

    “We told you what to do and you refuse to listen”. lol. What a stud And he sounds either drunk or mentally handicapped no disrespect to the handicap

  5. Dave, excellent work as usual. Keep it up. Mark Bass is a horrible person who has gotten away with too much for too long. I think even Butte College got rid of him, but that may be temporary.

    I echo the person who told you to be careful. BCSO and CPD are thugs. Be safe.

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